The Lowell Group is working in conjunction with independent consultancy - Positive People HR - to provide team members with an additional option to raise serious concerns that they may have whilst working within the Lowell Group.

This Speak Up portal provides team members with a confidential, independent channel to raise these concerns - particularly if they don't wish to raise it internally to their People Manager or through the contacts in the Lowell Group's Speak Up Policy, which can be found on Lowell Group's Intranet.

If a team member reports a concern through this portal, Positive People HR will undertake an independent review of the issue raised and will support Lowell Group by ensuring that an appropriate investigation takes place. Positive People HR will review the outcome and provide a report to Lowell Group's Executive Team demonstrating that appropriate actions have been taken.

Lowell Group is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment they expect team members, and others that they deal with, who have serious concerns about any aspect of Lowell's work to come forward and voice those concerns. Lowell Group's Speak Up Policy and this portal are designed to protect you, your team members and Lowell Group.

Please use this portal, if your serious concern involves:

  • Conduct which is an offence or a breach of law;
  • Failure to comply with a legal obligation;
  • Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice;
  • Health and safety risks, including risks to the public as well as other employees;
  • Damage to the environment;
  • The unauthorised use of funds;
  • Possible fraud and corruption;
  • Sexual, physical or other abuse of or by clients and their employees;
  • Other unethical conduct; and
  • Actions which are unprofessional, inappropriate or conflict with a general understanding of what is right and wrong.

It should also be used if your complaint is not covered by another procedure such as appeal or grievance.

If you choose to report a concern through this channel, your concerns will be treated in the upmost confidence; no names will be passed back to Lowell, unless you have indicated that you are happy for your personal details to be shared by ticking the appropriate box.

We would encourage you to read Lowell Group's Speak Up Policy before you use the portal. Once you have done so, please complete all appropriate details before submitting.

If you have not chosen anonymity Positive People HR may need to contact you for further information. Positive People HR will not be able to share the detail of the outcome of any investigation undertaken.

Create a report

If you do not tick this box only details of the incident or complaint will be shared

Personal Details ( Optional )

Details of incident or complaint ( Required )

The following fields are mandatory to help us manage your concerns appropriately. If you are not able to provide the information asked for please type not applicable in the appropriate box.

In the processing of the data provided through this portal, Positive People HR will comply with the Data Protection Act (DPA), and in particular the Data Protection Principles set out in the DPA, and with any guidance issued from time to time by the Information Commissioner.